Types of Restaurants

8 Types Of Restaurants around the world

In this article, I am going to share a complete list of types of restaurants.

Most of you guys visit the restaurant regularly. Either for a client meeting, old friends get – together and maybe a family gathering. All of you people that restaurant is the place where you get food and customer service in exchange for money.

But beyond this, there are many types of food restaurants which categorized based on location, cuisine, formality, ambiance, concept and so on.


Here I am gonna tell you more about types of restaurants! 

How these restaurants are different from each other?

What kind of concept do restaurants follow?

Here is the list!


#1 Fine Dining Restaurant

Fine Dining Restaurants

These fine dining restaurants are also referred to as tablecloths restaurant. This type of restaurant has a formal atmosphere and a proper sit-down restaurant. 

You can come here with a client. Also, spend some quality time with your potential client. 

Dining Restaurant is the opposite of a casual restaurant and family restaurant. Because of these restaurants are more attentive than in any family & casual restaurant.

Reservation Required In Advance.


  • Formal Atmosphere
  • Staff members are more attentive
  • High-end Ambiance
  • Price $$$-$$$$


So, when you are going to a Fine Dining Restaurant?


#2 Family Style Restaurant

Family Style Restaurant

The name itself speaks that this restaurant is meant for families. 

If you wanna spend some quality time with your family then this type of food restaurant is best for you.

Here you get a relaxed atmosphere. You can have fun with your family while having delicious food.

Family Style Restaurant is also similar to a casual restaurant but not the same. 

In this restaurant, you will see a huge round or maybe a square table. Where all of your family can sit comfortably.


  • Relaxed Atmosphere
  • You can have fun with your family
  • Big Table for the whole family members to sit together
  • Price $$-$$$


When the last time you went for dinner with family?


#3 Casual Dining Restaurant

Casual Dining Restaurants

This type of restaurant has a very relaxing atmosphere at moderated food prices.

I know most of you guys will like to visit this kind of restaurant. Here you will get alcohol, beer, wine, etc everything on the menu.

Casual Dining Restaurant is far different from the Fine Dining Restaurant. The difference between the two is the ambiance and atmosphere. 

Where Fine Dining is known for its formal atmosphere but here you will find a friendly & informal environment.


  • Casual & Relaxed Atmosphere
  • Alcohol, Beer, Wine, etc. available in the menu
  • As similar to the family-style restaurant but not the same
  • Price $$-$$$


Book a Table right now and invite all of your friends!

#4 Fast Food Restaurant

Fast Food Restaurants

Fast food restaurant is the place where you can have a quick meal. Quick Food like pizza, burger, french fries, hot dogs, etc…

The perfect place for fast food lovers is McDonald, Domino, Burger King, Pizza Hut and so on.

But if you are conscious about your health then this place is not for you.

These restaurants are mostly part of the big franchises & restaurant chains.


  • You want to have quick food
  • Fast Food often considered as unhealthy food which is not true
  • Perfect place for the youngsters 
  • Price Moderate $-$$$


#5 Pop Up Restaurant

pop up restaurants

One of the most trending restaurants nowadays in the hospitality sector. This pop-up restaurant can be open anytime, anywhere and at any place for a limited time.

This is what makes this different from other restaurants. 

You will get a unique experience over here. You will get a chance to eat a unique recipe, creative eating experience. 

Most of the pop-up restaurants have very limited menus like 4-5 or maybe 7.


  • The Anything Anywhere Restaurant (Mobile Restaurant)
  • Unique & Creative Eating Experience 
  • Perfect place to chill out with friends
  • Price Low $-$$


#6 Cafe

cafe restaurants

A lot can happen over a coffee. Either you go for a meeting with the client or spending time with your loved one. A cafe would be the best place for you.

  • Relax Atmosphere
  • Perfect place to getting together
  • Cafe usually serve tea, coffee, snacks and items of breakfast & lunch
  • Moderate Price $-$$$


#7 Food Truck Restaurant

food truck restaurants

Food Truck is a revolutionary business model in a restaurant business. Whenever any businessman thinks about opening a resto. 

Few things come in their mind.

  1. Lots of money required to open a restaurant
  2. Need to find a perfect place
  3. Interior Designer requirer to build an amazing ambiance
  4. Huge Staff members required
  5. Promotions in the local area

and so on…

Food Truck restro can be available at any unexpected place. They offer very particular things from the menu. But believe me, you will get the best food at a low price.


  • The Anything Anywhere Restaurant (Mobile Restaurant)
  • Limited food items
  • Best for Inhouse party or lawn party
  • Low Price $-$$


#8 Ghost Restaurant

ghost restaurants

Actually, a ghost restaurant is not a restaurant, it’s a kitchen kind of. Whenever we talk about a restaurant few things come in our mind like ambiance, music, party, gathering, etc…

But Ghost Restaurant is not like that. They deliver only food at your place.

A restaurant’s owner needs only a website and social media presence to get food order.

A very effective and low budget business model with high returns.

  • Food delivery only
  • Order through website, app or social media
  • Order through food delivery partners like UberEats & Grubhub
  • No Dine-In Restaurant
  • Moderate Price $-$$$